A few recent changes/additions of note:
> New Login
Adventist Place no longer uses myAdventist logins. It now has its own login service and houses its own accounts. It also includes a ‘HaveIBeenPwned' check when a user is setting a password and will not accept known compromised or poor passwords
All accounts had their password reset last week when this changed over. If you haven't logged in since this change, simply go to https://dashboard.adventist.place and select Forgot Password to get your new account up and running.
> Update your details
The My Account page, (click on the icon up the top right of the dashboard), now allows users to change their email and name, in addition to setting the language or close their account
> Place Listing Directory (admin sites only)
We’ve added Place Listing as a feature so Administration sites can display all the entities, of a particular type, within an administrative area of the SPD. It’s listings come from Adventist Cloud and don’t have to have an Adventist Place Site to be in the list.
> Social Changes
With Facebook having changed the game some time back, we’ve modified the ‘switches and dials’ of how Social works on Adventist Place a little. This includes:
Social Accounts section removed - you can now add a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Youtube link under Settings > General
• Removed Facebook Page Calendars - This is because Facebook has stopped access to this page event API - it is not known when they will bring this back. If they do, we probably will too!
• Social Feed widget - some changes to widget setup
> Contact Form widget now allows you to prevent visitors from changing the topic of a form
> Fixed caching issue with people widget
> Theme submenu nav now aligns to right
> Bugs humanely squished here and there.